Tuesday, 4 October 2016

student magazine research


these are two different magazines that i will be drawing inspiration from, they are both marketed towards young adults they both give advice about school life, they are long running magazines and are used frequently by students. their marketing and aesthetic are very successful to teens because they have bold colours and large loud typography its is very easy to see what the front cover reads so is easily noticed by teens. 

a problem i see with these magazines is that they are heavily marketed to girls, i would like to try and appeal to a male teenage audience as a lot of boys could do with advice. they way i will ry to market to young male adults is by having a male on the cover and maybe using boyish colours. 

Teen Vogue
A bright focus point of model to attract potential buyers, dynamic contrast in background and title to further interest buyers, cover lines attract costumers but don't over shadow model and title but still give great information into the magazine, the main cover lines is placed well so it doesn't shade over the model.

This magazine has bright model in centre of the cover this interests the potential buyers in the magazine, the main header is vibrant and enchants buyers,

1 comment:

  1. Harry,

    You MUST post all of your preliminary task (including the school magazine that you created) or else you will lose 15 marks off of your coursework at the end!
