Monday 12 December 2016

student magazine survey results

Survey results
Question 1
when i asked "are you interested in having a school magazine?" of the 4 people that responded all 4 voted yes, ill will have to assume that a majority of pupils in our school would want a school magazine. Even though not alot of people responded to my survey i will have to use the results given to me, so the school wold like a magazine.

Question 2
when i asked "what main themes should the magazine focus on?" the majority wanted the magazine to focus on life and school stress so i will dedicate most of my magazine to this topic, the runners up, subjects and revision tips, had the same amount of votes so i will dedicated a smaller part of my magazine to these topics. Fashion was an option but no one voted for this topic so i will not include it in my school magazine.  
Question 3
when i asked "what is your favourite core subject?" this question has a 50/50 answer the answers with the only responses were maths and english, so using the response will primarily speak about maths and english as it appears pupils are more interested in those subjects.   
Question 4
when i asked "who should write the magazines" the main response was staff members which was surprising as i thought students would have been the most popular choice but its not, staff members cannot be expected to write the magazine as they already have a heavy work load 
Question 5
when i asked "should we discuss the life problems with students?" i got a 50/50 results i will make the decision to speak about life issues as i believe it will help readers   
Question 6
when i asked "how many pictures on the front cover would you like?" a majority answered one so i will only use one photo on my front cover  
Question 7
when i asked "what should the font be?" the majority answered for the all star font 
Question 8
When i asked "what subjects should be discussed" the majority answered for creative subjects e.g. art drama, this is the result i suspected as many pupils enjoy these subjects
Question 9
when i asked "do you think a school magazine would be beneficial to school students?"all of the responses voted yes so i believe it would be a good idea for a school magazine
Question 10
when i asked "how much it should it cost to buy one" a majority said the magazine should be free and provided by the school 

Wednesday 7 December 2016

photoshop analysis

Photoshop analysis

photoshop test 1
In my first attempt of editing my images i used the bucket fill icon and i played around with the saturation and contrast of the  image, in this photo i mainly just played around with the app as i never used it before so this was me just figuring out how to use it. The ending result was this explosion looking background that i think is attention grabbing and vibrant but it is too much and doesn't have a professional finish to the cover so i wont be using it as it is only a test but this can pave me on the right way to making a magazine cover.